Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed

New Year’s Resolution: Mentor

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Tired of the same old New Year’s resolution? How about volunteering as a mentor with Winning Futures?  Unsure if you’re mentor material?  In truth, it’s a lot easier to be a mentor and impact a life than you think!  There’s not a certain mold that mentors need to come from. … Read More »

Mentor + Mentee = Impact!

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Recognizing others, inspiring them to excellence in school, career, or in life doesn’t take a lot of extra time; it takes compassion, perspective, and vision. Scott Barh, Winning Futures Mentor at Pontiac Academy For Excellence is a perfect example.   When asked about his mentoring experience Scott of Chrysler said; … Read More »

GM Cares

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General Motors recognizes that giving employees an opportunity to mentor through their job provides many valuable benefits. Benefits to the Employee • Improves performance • Increases job satisfaction, attitude and morale • Encourages teamwork • Promotes leadership and skill development Benefits to the Corporation • Builds brand awareness and affinity … Read More »

Only a Few Slots Remain

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We are excited about building many positive relationships this year through mentoring. Winning Futures students will benefit greatly from working with a diverse group of mentors representing a wide variety of occupations, ages and ethnicities. Volunteers throughout metro Detroit are demonstrating their compassion for youth by taking one hour a … Read More »


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August 28th 2013, marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech. In this monumental address Dr. King spoke of peace, justice and equality. Every child deserves the opportunity to attain an excellent education and getting an excellent education isn’t just about books and … Read More »

Back to School-Preparing for Success

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Every parent wants their child to be successful in school.  Now is the perfect time to start talking to students about their goals and how to best accomplish them. Begin talking with students about their dreams or their vision for the future. Knowing what he/she wants to achieve in life, … Read More »

Help Your Kids Achieve Their Dreams

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Every parent and teacher wants their kids to be successful. By working with them to help them identify their goals and desires, you can help them increase their odds of pursuing and achieving their dreams. The first step is to set specific goals and write them down. Dreams can help … Read More »

Winning Futures Receives GM Foundation Grant

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The GM Foundation recently presented Winning Futures with a generous $14,000 grant to support our mentoring and career development programs in metro Detroit. Pictured at the presentation ceremony are (left to right): Jaffe Raitt Heuer and Weiss law firm partner and Winning Futures board member James Parks, Winning Futures program … Read More »


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*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE *** WARREN, MI, August 10, 2012 – Mentors inspire, educate and motivate our youths – and you could do the same by teaming up with Winning Futures! Winning Futures is an award winning non-profit that provides school-based mentoring programs for middle and high school students. We’re … Read More »