Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Happy #GivingTuesday!

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  Happy #GivingTuesday! Today is the day that kicks off the charitable season with a call to service and giving back. We ask for your help in changing the lives of youths by supporting our mentoring programs that teach how to make good life decisions, set goals and become self-reliant: Donations … Read More »

GM Executive is a Game changer for the Winning Futures Board of Directors

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Winning Futures, an award-winning nonprofit organization that empowers young people to succeed through mentoring, strategic planning, and workforce preparation elected Matt Joshua as a new board member this year. Matt Joshua is the Global Purchasing Executive Director of Electrical Systems and Advanced Products for General Motors. Mr. Joshua first became … Read More »