Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

At-Home Life Skills Activities for Teens

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School’s out, but we’re not! Make the most of at-home time with your student with these life skills development activities. Based on our award-winning and evidence-based curriculum, these simple and fun activities will help your student develop important knowledge and skills they’ll need to be successful.   Check back every Monday through April 2020 as we’ll continue to … Read More »

Top 10 Back to School Tips

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It is that time of the year. Time to start thinking about school again! The co-founder and CEO of Student-Tutor, Todd VanDuzer, created a list of “Top 10 Back to School Tips”. The staff here at Winning Futures hopes you take a look and start this school year off with … Read More »

Winning Futures Focuses on Skills Sought after by Employers

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On May 24, 2015 The Detroit Free Press published the article “Soft skills help set candidates apart in job search”, written by Susan Rickers. The article highlighted soft skills employers are looking for in today’s job market. Winning Futures mentees have the ability to list these skills as well as … Read More »