Our 2022-23 curriculum features enhanced strategies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, asset-based language, and social and emotional learning. We also launched year 6 of our 7-year program.
The challenges our students face are constantly changing, and we need to respond accordingly. With 90 percent of our students being people of color and 75 percent coming from low-income homes, our team has incorporated new and enhanced strategies into our 2022-23 curriculum that will better address our students’ needs. Our classroom materials now include different perspectives, role-playing activities that allow expression and understanding of other cultures, ethnicities, and perspectives, and more inclusive language. Students will openly discuss how discrimination affects them and directly address what to do if they witness discrimination, either against themselves or others, or what to do if they realize they are the one perpetrating it.
85% of our students are more prepared to overcome future obstacles.
2021-22 was a year of growth and inspiration for our students – the impact is real.
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Our impact during the 2021-22 school year was impressive especially because our students had not yet fully returned to school for their classes; the school year included a combination of in-school and at-home instruction. 85 percent of our students improved their ability to overcome challenges, 80 percent are taking more initiative now to get things done, and 85 percent now have the skills required to succeed at a career. Pictured is career mentor Bailey Altman (left), internal audit manager at Ally Financial, with her students at Warren Mott High School.
81% of our students have improved their communication skills.
Denzel Lane, a graduate of our 10th grade program at Cass Tech, wants to be a veterinarian or automotive design engineer. With help from his career mentor, he’ll figure it out.
Denzel Lane’s (left) career mentor this past year was Phillip Smith (right), director of operational technology at DTE Energy. Together they explored the veterinary medicine and automotive design careers for Denzel. As Denzel continues into our 11th grade program, he will dig deeper into these and other careers, develop important skills, and create a plan for his future. “When I entered the Workforce Prep program, I was kind of hardcore,” said Denzel. “I wasn’t really interested in meeting new people or talking to others. Phillip really helped me. He always tried hard to make sure I was okay. He taught me to be myself and wrote a letter to me, encouraging me to not let others bother me. And now I’m a lot more open with people and I’m more positive.”
85% of our students now have the skills required to succeed at a career.
May Thao is learning important life and job readiness skills while planning for her future. Her career mentor will continue helping May throughout her senior year.
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May Thao (right) is interested in the arts and medicine. With help from her career mentor, Lida Kuehne (left), supplier quality development at General Motors, she is exploring these careers while learning how to evaluate situations and make related decisions. As May starts her third year in the program, she is on track to graduate and is deciding where she wants to continue her education.
84% of our students better understand how to achieve their goals.
Mohammad Zaman is in our College Success Mentoring program and well on his way to becoming a user experience designer.
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Mohammad Zaman is driven by his love for technology and design and the notion that his ideas will become important parts of everyday life. He is entering his senior year at Michigan State University and final year of our College Success Mentoring program. Despite struggling during his first year of college, he’s on the brink of making his dreams come true.
93% of our students improved a class grade through goal setting.
We awarded $50,000 in scholarships to 24 of our Workforce Prep students!
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We have some amazing students and this past year was no exception. 24 students who are in our Workforce Prep program were awarded a combined total of $50,000 through our Cupp-Hamilton Scholarship and Alumni Scholarship. The selection process was competitive and involved applications, essays, and interviews. Pictured (L to R) is career mentor Aubin Williams, president of Ekklesia Building Corporation, Harper Woods High School student, Aidan Watkins, Community High School student, Leah Pintosky, and career mentor, Sarah Zigila, vice president of operations and partnerships at Orbis Holding Group.
91% of our students completed at least one step towards their goals.
Thank you to our 100+ business partners whose dedication to our students is truly outstanding.
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While our business partners represent many different company sizes and industries, they all share one common interest – supporting our students! We are very fortunate to have outstanding partners who help us in many different ways including sponsorships, grants, donations, and career mentor recruitment. With their help, we are truly making an impact for our students, creating meaningful change in their lives and helping them become motivated, responsible, and successful adults.
85% of our students changed their education plans to better fit their goals.
Getting involved means helping a local student, their families and communities, and the businesses where they work. Sign up today!
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Career mentors help our students figure out what they’ll do after high school. Scholarship judges help us select scholarship winners. Event volunteers help with our amazing fundraising gala, Corks & Forks. Business partners, foundations, and individual donors provide the critical financial support needed to operate our program. Learn more about these and other opportunities to get involved! Pictured is career mentor, Andre Cornell (center), vendor analyst at Quicken Loans with his students from Cass Technical High School.
80% of our students have a more positive view of their future.
We have the best career mentors! More than 160 local businesspeople volunteer each year to mentor students in our Workforce Prep program.
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While our mentors all come from the Metro Detroit community and represent a wide range of industries, there’s one common thread that unites them – sincere desire and dedication to inspire our students and teach them the tools and skills they’ll need to be successful. Pictured (L to R, F to B) are mentors from the 2021-22 school year who celebrated 5 years as career mentors:
- Brianna Ellison, Director of Community Engagement, Verizon
- Mae Daniels, Public Relations and Events Coordinator, Extra Credit Union
- Andrew Makar, Senior Manager of Consulting Services, Salesforce
- Valencia White, IT Risks and Controls Analyst, Pacific Life Insurance
- Gerard Baltrusaitis, Internship/Employment Specialists, Jewish Vocational Services
- Jason Henige, Business Strategist, Rocket Central
- Joshua Berg, Director of Innovation Ventures, Magna International
80% of our students take more initiative now to get things done.
We are grateful to have committed business leaders on our board helping us fulfill our mission.
You know the phrase, “It takes a village?” Our village includes some awesome local businesspeople who not only believe in our mission, but back it up with hands-on support. Our Board of Directors helps us with fundraising, strategic planning, and resource development. Our advisory boards help us by providing insight and feedback, creating opportunities for our students, and helping us recruit career mentors. “The mission of Winning Futures instantly resonated with the challenges in my own high school,” said Matt Joshua (front, second from left), vice president of infotainment services at General Motors and member of our governing board. “I see participation as a great way to use my success to give back and show appreciation for those who helped me.”