Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Mentoring Longevity

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Dave Fernholz (right) at his Winning futures mentee Jama Whitaker’s (left) graduation. Dave Fernholz wanted to be better prepared for when his own kids became teenagers. Little did he know that his desire to be a better parent would lead to two decades of mentoring and receiving our 20 Year … Read More »

2018 Awards Ceremony – Changing the World!

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2018 scholarship winners left to right: Brittany Padilla, Breia Swanigan, and Samantha Susalla. I’ve been to many awards ceremonies in my lifetime and I’ve watched a few on television. They’re mostly mundane. Too many times participants rave about themselves or how something they’ve done changed the world when really they … Read More »