Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Celebrating our Awesome Mentors this National Mentoring Month

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National Mentoring Month brings us the opportunity to recognize the power of one-on-one relationships that help young people find and follow their passions, identify interesting career paths, and pursue their dreams.  While our mentors all come from the Metro Detroit community and represent a wide range of industries, there’s one common thread … Read More »

Benny’s Superpower: Celebrating National Mentor Month

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He said, “I have a superpower.” I wasn’t sure if I heard him correctly. I thought to myself, “Did he say, ‘superpower?’ Is this guy crazy?” Feeling it necessary to get more information, but not sure I really wanted to know more, I nervously responded, “Really? What is it?” “I’m … Read More »

Mentoring Works: Olu’s Story

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Mentoring Works: Olu’s Story I joined Winning Futures because I wanted to help young men reach their full potential. It’s exciting to be a mentor in the program because my mentees are on the cusp of discovering what their talents, passions, career interests, and personal values are, and I’m there … Read More »