Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

25 From 25: Alyssa Bacha

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Alyssa Bacha, Sales Director, LoanCraft, Winning Futures Class of 1998 When Alyssa was a student at Cousino High School, she struggled to envision what she wanted for her future. With help from her Winning Futures facilitator, Laurie Tarter, she assessed her skills and interests and created a resume and five-year … Read More »

25 From 25: Jennifer Brubaker

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Jennifer Brubaker, Executive Director, Gianna House Winning Futures Class of 2000 Growing up, Jennifer bounced around from school to school until she finally landed at Cousino High School in Warren. When she started in the Winning Futures program, she was suffering from low self-esteem and didn’t believe she had a … Read More »