Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Besties Benefit From Mentors

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Pictured left to right are Lee Ellen Kerr, Jazmine Jones, Ruby Houston, and Stephanie Jones. Best friends Ruby Houston and Jazmine Jones have known each other for several years. You could say they knew almost everything about themselves and each other, except one thing. They didn’t know what they would … Read More »

Winning Futures First and Only in Michigan to Earn National Quality Member Designation

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Dipita Das (right) with her mentor, Sharon vanSpronsen (left), at the 2017 Awards Ceremony where Dipita received a Winning Futures scholarship. We are very proud to announce that our mentoring program was recently awarded the National Quality Member designation from MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership (MENTOR). We are the first … Read More »

Keys to College: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness

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“Do you want to be normal or different? Do you want to be average or exceptional?” David Rendall’s The Freak Factor: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness inspired us to ask our students these questions in our new “Finding Your Strengths” session in our Keys to College program. The facilitators help … Read More »

Looking Back on a Year of Great Success

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It’s that time of year when people look back at their blessings over the past year and make plans for the next. We at Winning Futures are no different, except that we are sharing our thoughts and wishes with you. Looking back, we’ve had some great successes among our mentees. … Read More »

Lear Interns Gain Real World Experience

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This summer, five Winning Futures students were selected to participate in the Lear Automotive Youth Academy. For five weeks, students were employed in a unique internship program. Each week the interns spent part of their time on the campus of Wayne State University and the remainder of the week at … Read More »

Welcome to our New Board Member – Daniel Russell Sr.

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Winning Futures is excited to announce the election of one new board member – Daniel Russell Sr., Vice President of DEM Group in Sterling Heights, MI. Daniel Russell Sr. is a resident of Clarkston and an alumni of Michigan State University. He has been employed at DEM Group for over ten … Read More »