Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Donna Rochester’s Story

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My mentee is a Winning Futures success story! She graduated Community High and is now in her second college semester studying physical therapy and will be traveling to England this spring followed by a study semester in Greece. But none of this was ever her plan before joining Winning Futures. … Read More »

Mary Innes’ Story

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In 2011, I participated in the Winning Futures program at Warren Mott High School. The organization teaches many principles that I believe students do not receive in depth through the public school system. Through Winning Futures I learned to have vision for my future and to prepare a plan to … Read More »

Elena Kapintcheva’s Story

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I had just moved to USA and could be profiled as a sad, nostalgic, bordering depression teenager not letting go of the past memories and unable to see the marvels of the future. The once called “sunshine” had become an array of sadness with no traces of the once wide … Read More »

Joan Mantini’s Story

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After graduating from Warren Mott High School in 1999, I proceeded to college where I graduated with my MBA at the young age of 24! For someone who had never thought of college after high school, this was quite the accomplishment. I have to admit, school always came natural to … Read More »

Kelly Counts’ Story

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As a senior at Warren Mott High School in 1995, I was attending school for fun, popularity and socializing. During that time I was placed in the Winning Futures program and had little interest in it.  One day I was being distracting in our session while Sam Cupp was speaking … Read More »