Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Marcus Sumrall wants to be a real estate agent and home renovator. He is improving his grades and learning new life skills.

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Marcus Sumrall is looking down the road, preparing for what’s next, and getting his work done well and on time. Marcus participated in our Year 1 (10th grade, life skills development) Workforce Prep program last year at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. He was mentored by Joshua Friday, battery … Read More »

The Career Mentor Experience

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“It has been so fulfilling to me to be able to share my experiences and see that it matters and that students are taking the information I’ve shared with them and doing something positive with it. It has been a blessing and a wonderful experience.” This past year we had … Read More »

Nazifa Kadir is assertive, outgoing, and confident. She is attending the University of Michigan and studying for a degree in pharmaceutical science.

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If you knew Nazifa Kadir back when she was in high school, you might be surprised to see the person she is today. Nazifa is a junior at the University of Michigan studying for a degree in pharmaceutical science. She is more assertive, outgoing, and confident in who she is … Read More »

Rei Struga is on his way to Wayne State University where he will study computer science. He has a vision, plan, and goals, and he feels pretty good about it.

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“High school is a confusing and stressful time. You need all the help you can get.” These are the words of Rei Struga. He just graduated from Warren Mott High School and is on his way to Wayne State University where he will study computer science. He has a vision, … Read More »