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Nazifa Kadir is in our Year 6 (continuing education) program and attending the University of Michigan, studying for a degree in pharmaceutical science.

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If you knew Nazifa Kadir back when she was in high school, you might be surprised to see the person she is today. Nazifa is a junior at the University of Michigan studying for a degree in pharmaceutical science. She is more assertive, outgoing, and confident in who she is and what she knows. She thanks her career mentor, Tamika Carden, for much of her success.

“Looking back, I was much more closed off,” said Nazifa. “I was less likely to do things outside my comfort zone and just stay to myself. I felt on my own and always took the easy path.”

Nazifa started in our Year 1 (10th grade, life skills development) program at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. She was mentored by public policy and management consultant, Melanie D’Evelyn. In Year 2 (11th grade, education planning) and Year 3 (12th grade, career planning) she was mentored by Tamika Carden, manager of payroll tax and accounting at Tenneco.

“I began mentoring Nazifa during COVID,” said Tamika. “She was really quiet and never said much. But she was always prepared.”

With coaching from Tamika, Nazifa explored careers and learned important life and job-readiness skills. As she progressed through the program, Nazifa became more self-aware and confident.

“Tamika helped me realize that I know what I want, that it’s up to me to take steps forward,” said Nazifa. “No one is in charge of how I feel, except myself.”

Nazifa also learned about failure.

“I have the hardest time accepting and sharing my failures. It makes me feel insecure. Usually, I’m not the type to talk about it. But I feel open and free to talk with Tamika. Instead of trying to solve my problem, she just listens and that’s such an important thing. She taught me that, if you fail and you’re at the bottom, it’s okay to be there for a bit, but you also have to get back up.”

Tamika continued to mentor Nazifa as she graduated from high school, enrolled at the University of Michigan, and moved into our Years 4-7 (continuing education) program. Their relationship has evolved and become a mutually supportive friendship.

“We talk about everything and anything. When I know something’s coming up for her, I make sure to acknowledge it,” said Tamika. “And she does the same for me. It has become a wonderful relationship.”

Nazifa recently won our 2024 Alumni Scholarship. During her Awards Celebration acceptance speech, she expressed a similar sentiment.  

“Tamika has guided me through my hardships and has never let me down or doubted my abilities. She never judges me and always helps me find the upside even in a bad situation. She stuck with me for three years. Fortunately, she’s stuck with me for the rest of our lives.”

Nazifa, we’re the fortunate ones – to have you and Tamika in our program! Best of luck to you as you pursue your dreams.  

Career mentors are volunteers from the business community who participate with students in educational sessions and fun activities that help students figure out what they will do after high school and teach them important life and job-readiness skills. Learn more!