Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Welcome New Board Member Hadas Bernard

Hadas Bernard, Director at Bernard Financial Group, has recently been elected as a new board member and will be serving a three-year term to help bring in new resources. About joining the Winning Futures Board, Hadas says, “Michigan students deserve and want direction on careers and higher education. Winning Futures … Read More »

The Three Types of Values Students Should Explore

Part of preparing students to be self-reliant and successful means helping them find a space where they “fit in”. The process of finding this space includes helping them discover what is important to them and what their values are. When students understand their values, they are driven, focused, and able … Read More »

Five Things You Need to Know about Mentoring

Mentoring is one of the most rewarding and impactful things an adult can do for a student. “A small amount of time invested on your part to share your expertise can open up a new world for someone else,” states Mark Zuckerberg. Students with mentors benefit from having a supportive, … Read More »

University of Michigan Student Reminisces about his Experience in the Winning Futures Program

Cass Technical High School graduate, Travon Jefferson, has been doing really well since participating in the Winning Futures mentoring program. “After graduating in 2012, I enrolled at the University of Michigan as a full-time student and have made several academic and social accomplishments. From getting into the School of Education … Read More »

Our 18th Annual Golf Classic was a Success

On Monday, September 12, 2016 250 golfers and 49 sponsors helped raise $110,000 for our life skills and job readiness mentoring programs. The day was a complete success. The weather was perfect for golfing and the attendees enjoyed the experience of golfing at Indianwood Country Club, a renowned course that … Read More »

Winning Futures Partners with Lawrence Technological University’s Summer Connections Program

On Monday, August 15, 2016, Winning Futures partnered with Lawrence Technological University’s Summer Connections program to teach incoming freshman goal-setting and strategic planning tools to help them excel in college. Summer Connections is offered by Lawrence Tech to help first-year students become familiar with the expectations of college life. Together … Read More »

Four Qualities You Need to be a Winning Mentor

When it comes to mentoring, there are tons of resources available to explain how to be a winning mentor. At Winning Futures, we have partnered with business professionals to mentor youth since 1994. Over the years we’ve noticed a few qualities that all of our best mentors seem to share. … Read More »