Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed

Mentoring Works: The Three Amigo Mentors

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Brad, Tony and Jeff

Above: Jeff Lehnertz, Tony Gwilt and Brad Remer lifelong friends who share a passion for mentoring


We are continuing to celebrate National Mentor Month here at Winning Futures. Today we wanted to highlight a special trio of male mentors at Warren Mott High School. Jeffery Lehnertz began mentoring with us weekly back in 2008. Like many Winning Futures mentors, Jeff started spreading the word about the positive experiences he was having as a mentor. Before long, Jeff’s good friend, Brad, applied to mentor as well. “Some of my earliest childhood memories include Brad Remer.” Jeff said, ” He was the family friend that I always looked up to and respected.  I have learned a great deal from Brad through the years, and feel as though he is truly a brother to me. “


Brad remembers his first Winning Futures experience clearly.

” Two years ago, my lifelong friend, Jeff Lehnertz invited me to a Winning Futures classroom event where I was able to observe how the program was structured and how it impacted the kids.  I left the class feeling very impressed and inspired and with a renewed sense of purpose.  The following school year, I volunteered to work with kids at Harper Woods High School and now I have been involved with the kids at Warren Mott for the past two years.  It has been fantastic working with the students and with my great friend Jeff.  This year we have been joined by Tony Gwilt, another longtime friend and this has made it even better!  While the three of us like to have fun and joke around, it has been great to see another side of our friendship when it comes to working with the kids.  It is a responsibility that all three of us take very seriously and that has allowed us to bond on a whole new level.  I have really enjoyed my time as a mentor with Winning Futures.  I hope that I have been able to help the students that I have worked with over the past three years because I know they have helped me!”


Jeff, Brad, and now Tony mentor together every Thursday morning at Warren Mott. The camaraderie between the three adds an additional level of enthusiasm and fun for the students. This week when mentors participated in “Bring a Friend Day”, Jeff stood up and announced, “I didn’t need to ‘Bring a Friend’ this year, my best friends are already here!”


Thanks, Jeff, for what you started back in 2008 when you made a commitment to our youth. We are so grateful to have all three of you volunteer and hope this will inspire others to volunteer and “Bring a Friend” to Winning Futures too.


January is National Mentoring Month a time designated to thank everyone who has made the commitment to be someone who matters to someone who matters, thank you!