Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed


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martin-luther-king-jrAugust 28th 2013, marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech. In this monumental address Dr. King spoke of peace, justice and equality.
Every child deserves the opportunity to attain an excellent education and getting an excellent education isn’t just about books and grades; It’s also about building strong character and surrounding youth with positive individuals that will help them reach their full potential. Business professionals who mentor play a critical role in helping students achieve their goals. Mentors expose youth to a variety of careers and provide them with a different perspective. Students who set goals and have a clear strategic plan are better prepared to achieve their dream.
Emily, a high school senior, states; “Winning Futures has encouraged me to strive for greatness and follow my dreams. In the Winning Futures program I was not only told that I can accomplish my dream but I was also given valuable tools to help me along the way. My mentor shared with me her experiences which helped me deal with some of my own personal issues. Winning Futures was the greatest gift I was ever given in high school. I now have the tools and confidence I need to live a happy and successful life.”
Equality in education can only be improved with the help of the community. Mentors can help close the achievement gap by helping students cultivate their emotional skills and develop intellectually.

1 thought on “Dream”

  1. Winning Futures is the greatest gift to Emily as well as a host of others. This is really encouraging!

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