Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Marcus Sumrall wants to be a real estate agent and home renovator. He is improving his grades and learning new life skills.

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Marcus Sumrall is looking down the road, preparing for what’s next, and getting his work done well and on time.

Marcus participated in our Year 1 (10th grade, life skills development) Workforce Prep program last year at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. He was mentored by Joshua Friday, battery systems lead engineer at General Motors.

“After talking with Marcus, I learned that he’s a quiet, shy, and charismatic young man,” said Joshua. “He isn’t the biggest fan of school but does exceptionally well when he’s engaged and committed. One of the first things that impressed me about Marcus was what he said in one of our first sessions. He said he procrastinates too much and wants to work on that.”

“I would wait until the last minute to do everything,” said Marcus. “Then I would get mad at myself because I wouldn’t have enough time, or I’d rush through whatever I had to do.”

Our Year 1 curriculum focuses on helping students learn skills they would need for success, in life and on the job. Topics include: vision; attitude; strengths and weaknesses analysis; managing emotions; value-based decision-making; goal setting; and study skills.

“Some of the assignments and activities focused on creating a vision and setting up SMART goals,” said Joshua. “I think this helped Marcus tremendously.”

“Joshua taught me some ways to overcome my procrastination,” said Marcus. “He taught me that it’s a mindset. You must set goals for yourself and get through those steps. Attack the hardest thing first and work on the easier stuff later.”

For Marcus, this was very impactful. Not only was he doing better academically, but he was also feeling better about himself.

“When I stopped procrastinating, my grades started to get better. It made me feel good. I was proud of myself.”

“Throughout the program, I watched Marcus mature and become more confident in who he is,” added Joshua. “Whether it was volunteering to speak up during a class activity or taking notes for the group, or even suggesting a name for our group, he seemed to better understand the skills and talents he has that make him unique. I started to see him open up a little more while still recognizing his calming and charismatic presence was beneficial to others.”

As the 2024-25 school year starts, Marcus is eager to start in our Year 2 (11th grade, education planning) program and continue working with Joshua. He is interested in becoming a real estate agent and home renovator and will explore these careers and more throughout the school year.

“The program is great,” said Marcus. “Having someone help along the way is a good thing. It helps open your mind to new things.”

Good luck, Marcus! We hope you have a year filled with growth and happiness.

Career mentors are volunteers from the business community who participate with students in educational sessions and fun activities that help students figure out what they will do after high school and teach them important life and job-readiness skills. You too can experience the impact of being a career mentor. Learn more and apply!