Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed

Every Dollar Matters… Right? Make Your 2018 Donation Today!

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students in graduation robes and hats


“Every dollar matters.” Ever heard this before? It’s a common phrase used by nonprofits. The idea is to convince you to open your wallet and make a donation, even if it’s a nominal amount. But does every dollar really matter?

For the 2018-19 academic year, we are operating in seven Metro Detroit schools, engaging 500 students weekly for 22 weeks. The cost for each kid in our Workforce Prep program is $2,000. This breaks down into several categories for things like workbooks ($50 buys books for 10 students) and classroom supplies for student activities ($25 per session). You can donate online at or by calling 586-294-8449.

We also have a scholarship program, awarding funds annually to Winning Futures students who demonstrate excellence in strategic planning and goal setting, and have plans to continue their education past high school. $2,500 supports one scholarship.

We get donations of all sizes. Collectively they add up and pay the cost of each student to participate in our program, or the cost of awarding scholarships. One student who benefitted from both is Jazmine Jones.

Jazmine was in our program at Pontiac Academy for Excellence in 2017-18. She had aspirations of being a teacher but little knowledge about the profession or how to actually become a teacher. With guidance and support from her mentor, Lee Ellen Kerr, Jazmine created a vision, strategic plan, and goals, and learned how to use those tools to become a teacher. With financial assistance from a Winning Futures scholarship, Jazmine is currently a freshman at Saginaw Valley State University where she is pursuing a degree in special education.

Jazmine is one of 47,000 students who have participated in our mentoring and workforce preparation program since 1994. With donations, big and small, we will continue our mission, empowering students with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to be successful. So, open your wallet, pull out a few bucks and make your donation today, because every dollar really does matter!

Make your 2018 donation online at or by calling 586-294-8449.