Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report


About Us » Impact

Since 2007, three independent research teams studied our program and its impact. In each study, the results were the same. Teams from Saginaw Valley State University and the University of Michigan found that our Workforce Prep program has a statistically significant impact on students and deemed the program evidence-based.

In 2020, the University of Michigan Youth Policy Lab found that:

  • Our program has a greater impact on students who are not initially college-bound
  • Our program has an equitable impact for all students, regardless of race, economic level, or gender
  • Compared to non-Winning Futures students, students improved their attitude, self-efficacy, growth mindset, and perseverance

2022-23 Impact

We saw significant growth in our students at the end of the program this year! This happened despite students struggling more now than they had in the past. This year, unfortunately, we found that compared to our pre-COVID students, new students starting in our program scored worse on their pre-survey (5-20 percent lower depending on the category). This means they were starting the program with a lower level of core competencies (perseverance, ethical character values, self-efficacy, goal setting skills, educational attainment, career planning, and attitude). Therefore, we have a lot more work to do to help our students reach the same level of outcomes as those who were previously in the program. We are analyzing our curriculum and researching other strategies to help these students.

Students in our School-based Mentoring Program (mainly 10th graders):

  • 81% learned new study skills
  • 96% improved in their academic goal
  • 75% have a better understanding of what it will take to achieve the career they want to have
  • 86% are more self-reliant
  • 86% have a more positive attitude
  • 94% have improved their ability to work collaboratively on a team
  • 91% have a more positive view of their future
  • 92% have more confidence in themselves
  • 93% have improve the skills required to succeed at a career

Students in our One-on-One Mentoring Program (11th and 12th graders):

  • 98% improved in their academic goal
  • 91% completed one step towards their continuing education or career goal
  • 91% changed their continuing education plan to better fit their career goal
  • 91% gained job readiness skills
  • 89% have a better understanding of what it will take to achieve the career they want to have
  • 80% have a more positive attitude when they have a problem or when something bad happens
  • 81% are more self-reliant
  • 83% have improved their ability to work collaboratively on a team
  • 81% are more able to express their feelings
  • 85% have more confidence in themselves
  • 86% have a more positive view of their future
  • 88% have improve the skills required to succeed at a career

Learn more about our Workforce Prep program!

Learn about becoming a Workforce Prep career mentor!