Mentoring Programs for At Risk Youth - Winning Futures - Mentoring Programs - Empowering youth to succeed through mentoring and strategic planning
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Mentoring Programs for At Risk Youth

Mentoring Programs for At Risk Youth

Winning Futures is an award-winning nonprofit organization that provides mentoring programs for at risk youth through our workbooks and training handbooks.

We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of young people, especially those who are at risk. The Winning Futures curriculum has shown statistically significant student improvements in many key areas. A long-term study of graduates of our program revealed that 83% increased an academic grade in just six weeks and 90% continued their education after high school. Our mentoring programs for at risk youth make a powerful impact on all students, but particularly those who need more care and attention.

Our workbooks and training handbooks are geared toward two different sets of students – upper elementary/middle school and high school/young adults. Regardless of the age, the goal of our curriculum is to provide as many students as possible with the skills they need to succeed personally and professionally. The program is particularly successful among students who are on the cusp of taking the wrong path in life.

To learn more about the Winning Futures workbooks and our mentoring programs for at risk youth, visit or contact us.

Mentoring Programs for At Risk Youth

  • Innovative
  • Easy to Implement
  • Evidence-Based Curriculum
  • Comes with Training & Support Materials

Equip your students to succeed - two curriculums available.
Click below to learn more or to order your workbooks today.