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Life Skills Curriculum

Life Skills Curriculum

Winning Futures is an award-winning nonprofit organization providing evidence-based life skills curriculum containing group discussions and activities that can be easily facilitated by a mentor, adult or teacher.

Designed by business leaders, educators, parents and students, the Winning Futures program has been used by schools and non-profit organizations for nearly 20 years. Our activity guidebooks and life skills workbooks are designed to put students and young adults on the right track both personally and professionally.

Our life skills curriculum and hands-on activities assists students in exploring who they are, the values they want to have, how to set short- and long-term goals, responsibility and leadership, and how to identify and overcome obstacles. A teacher, mentor or program staff member can easily facilitate this interactive experience.

To learn more about the Winning Futures and our life skills curriculum, visit or contact us.

Life Skills Curriculum

  • Innovative
  • Easy to Implement
  • Evidence-Based Curriculum
  • Comes with Training & Support Materials

Equip your students to succeed - two curriculums available.
Click below to learn more or to order your workbooks today.