Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed


About Us » Staff

Deniescha Malone

Rory - Therapy Dog

Rory joined our team in October 2023, bringing with him several years of experience as a trained service dog. His mission? To provide comfort, joy, and emotional support to everyone around him.

Before joining us, Rory worked as a psychiatric service dog, providing vital support to individuals with mental health challenges. He was trained to detect signs of anxiety or distress and respond with comforting behaviors to help his handler stay calm and focused. His exceptional ability to sense emotional shifts made him an invaluable companion, offering both practical and emotional assistance. Now retired, Rory continues to bring those same skills to his role as therapy dog, offering support and calm to the team whenever it’s needed. His intuitive nature and gentle personality make him a perfect fit for this role.

“Woof woof, woof woof woof” says Rory. That translates to, “Making people happy is my specialty, but don’t forget the treats!”

When Rory isn’t hard at work providing emotional support, you’ll likely find him chasing tennis balls (even if he doesn’t always bring them back), napping, or perfecting his puppy-dog eyes to score some extra treats. Whether he’s lounging in a meeting or greeting the team with a wagging tail, Rory’s playful spirit and kind heart always shine through.

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