Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed

Alumni Scholarship Requirements – Backup – 10-01-2024

Alumni Scholarship

Alumni Scholarship Eligibility

  • Former Winning Futures high school Workforce Prep participant and current participant in the 2023-24 Winning Futures College Success Mentoring program with at least 70 percent attendance through April 2024.
  • If you graduate by May 2024 and will not be taking classes in the future, you are not eligible.
  • There is no minimum G.P.A.requirement
  • Students can receive a lifetime total of $5,000 in Alumni Scholarship awards. Students who have previously won Alumni Scholarships are eligible if their previous awards total less than $5,000.

Winning Futures scholarships can be used for any of the following:

  • Tuition payments at a community college or university (including graduate level courses)
  • Technical training
  • Apprenticeship training
  • Certificate programs
  • Other related educational costs while enrolled in school

This scholarship may not be used to pay a student loan.

Application Process

Online Application - Complete and submit all parts of the Alumni Scholarship application by January 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.


Judging Process

Judges will read and score your essay based on:

  • Quality
  • Adherence to all essay requirements
  • Responses to the questions

If your essay scores well, you will move on to the interview round in March/April.


Applicants whose essays score in the top tier will become finalists and advance to an interview round. Each finalist will participate in an interview.

Winners Notified

May 2024

Scholarship Questions

Describe your 10-year vision for your life.
(Minimum two paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each, may exceed) Think about all aspects of your life: personal, professional, relationships, family, where you live, hobbies, etc. Please be detailed.

Where will you be in one year?
(Minimum 5 sentences, may exceed) Talk about what you plan to accomplish in the next year. Include details about how you will be successful in your college or other continuing education program, how it will help you towards your long-term career goal, obstacles you may encounter, and detailed action steps you will take.

Describe a time when you failed at something. What did you do next?
(Minimum two paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each, may exceed) Be sure to talk about what you failed at and what you learned as a result. Discuss how you bounced back from that failure.

What is your current long-term career goal and why is it a good fit for you?
(Minimum 4 paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each, may exceed) Include the career you are pursuing, how that career matches your strengths and values, why it is the right fit for you, and what training you will need to reach that goal. Take some time to discuss the obstacles that may stop you from reaching your goal and what you plan to do to overcome them.

Write out the acceptance speech you would present if you were to win the Winning Futures scholarship.
Imagine you're receiving the Winning Futures scholarship.

Write a speech (Minimum five sentences, may exceed) that you would give to say thank you. Include the following points:

  • Start by saying your name.
  • You're currently attending [name of college, university, trade school, apprenticeship, or something else] and are what you are studying.
    - EXAMPLE: “I’m currently attending________ and I’m studying______”
  • You want to become a [your desired profession].
    - EXAMPLE: “My career goal is_______”
  • Talk about how you've changed since you joined the program. Think about who you were back then and who you are now and how you have grown or changed.
    - EXAMPLE: “When I started in the Winning Futures program I was _______ Now I’m________”
  • Share your thoughts about your career mentor. Explain how they've helped you and what you've learned from them.
  • Take a moment to thank those who supported you along the way. This could be your teachers, mentor, Winning Futures program facilitator, family members, or anyone else you feel helped you.
  • Add anything else about your experience in the program, your career mentors, what you learned or how you benefited from the program.