Slide 2 - Career Mentors Needed
Slide 3 - Golf Social
Slide 4 - TheVision2023 Outcomes Report

Our History 1997

Mike Fitzpatrick became a mentor in 1997 and played an instrumental role in launching our mentoring program at Community High School in 1998.   This year Mike will be celebrating his 17th year as a Winning Futures Mentor. Above and beyond his mentoring, Mike also serves numerous volunteer roles within the … Read More »

Winning Futures on American Graduate Special

Rob Otto and Ken Elkins are guest on Detroit Public Television’s  American Graduate Community Town Hall to Discuss Solutions to the Dropout Crisis The American Graduate Community Town Hall brings together Metro Detroit nonprofit leaders, parents, students and educators in a town hall setting to share ideas and solutions to … Read More »

6th Annual Corks & Forks

Winning Futures, held its premier fundraiser – the sixth annual Corks and Forks – on Saturday, February 8, 2014.   The exclusive  event held at the Reserve at Big Rock Chop House in Birmingham, Michigan,  featured over 40 different wines made available from  PRP Wine International.  Over 350 Corks and Forks patrons … Read More »

Our History 1995

In the fall of 1995, Sam assembled a team of outstanding educators from Warren Mott High School who were passionate about student development and shared Sam’s vision.  With the dedicated assistance of Dominic LaRosa, Marilyn Haley, and Richard King the program took flight.   That year 13 Scholarships were awarded totaling … Read More »

Our History 1994

  The Winning Futures mentoring program was launched at Warren Mott High School in 1994 with 50 marketing students and recognized for its unique scholarship program by the United States Secretary of Education, Richard E. Riley.  That year, a bright eyed, ambition senior by the name of Kristina Sobczynski (now … Read More »

Why Are Strengths Important?

How many times have you been told you need to turn your weaknesses into strengths?  Traditionally, choosing to focus on improving weaknesses has unfortunately become all too common for high school and college students.  The factors of peer pressure, siblings, parents, and media have shaped students’ future too much.  What … Read More »

Challenge Conquered!

Did you know “A goal that is not written down is just an idea”? As 2013 came to a close Winning Futures once again demonstrated the importance and value of goal setting. The 20 Year Challenge, the goal was to raise $20K starting in September and ending in December. Showing … Read More »

We are Honored!

Crain’s Best Managed Nonprofit contest focused on good management practices of nonprofits with budgets of $3 million or less. It was Winning Futures’ mentoring program outcomes, entrepreneurial model, strategic growth process, fiscal responsibility, and innovative approach to fund development that helped secure the title. This award acknowledges that Winning Futures … Read More »